Dynamic Warm Ups for Basketball

kids playing basketball outside

Therapeutic Associates

Dynamic stretching is becoming more commonplace in professional and collegiate athletics, and a trickle down has been seen in high school and youth athletics as well. It is based on repetitive completion of whole body movement patterns in order to increase blood flow to the muscles. This aids in raising core and muscle temperature, creating improved flexibility and decreased risk of injury. These repetitive movements aid in warming up not only the muscles, but the nervous system as well, allowing the nerves to fire more efficiently and improving recruitment of your muscles for balance and stability.

General Dynamic Warm Up

cone set up
Set up athletes in line with a cone or on the baseline. Place another cone 15 yards in front of the first cone or reference the half court line. This is the reference point for the athletes. Some warm-ups should be done baseline to baseline depending upon ability and age. Each exercise is done from the starting point to the reference point. The athletes then line up at the reference point and return to the starting point. This is one repetition. With the below exercises, anytime an athlete is on one leg, emphasize a straight support leg, rise up on toes, good body control/balance with strong gluteus and calf contractions. All jumps are to be performed with focus on soft landing on balls of feet, slight bend in knees, tight core, proper arm mechanics, eyes up with good body control. Ensure the knees land in line with the foot and hips, avoiding a valgus angle (knee falling inward).

Lateral High Knees

Walking Lunges

On command, athletes will perform lateral high knees to reference point and back to the starting point. Make sure athletes keep adequate dorsiflexion (knee up/toes up), arm mechanics, and tight core during this exercise. Complete 1 repetition
On command, athletes will lunge towards the reference point (opposite arm to leg, knee behind toe), and back to starting point. Maintain tight core, head up. Complete 1 repetition

Skip with Arm Swing / A Skip

Lateral Shuffle

On command, athletes will skip while swinging his or her arms horizontally across the chest to reference point. Athletes will then turn around and A skip back to the starting point. An A skip is a high knee skip. Complete 1 repetition
On command, athletes will perform a lateral shuffle to reference point, and, facing in the same direction, shuffle back to the starting point. Emphasis should be placed on staying low (buttock down, head up) while quickly shuffling the feet laterally. Complete 1 repetition

Explosion Runs

Scissor Jumps

On single whistle, athletes jog toward baseline. On double whistle, athletes explode into full sprint. On single whistle, athletes go back to jog. Continue this sequence until they return to baseline starting place.

Complete 2 repetitions

On command, athletes will lunge forward with his or her right leg. The athlete will then jump off the leg while propelling the left leg forward. The athlete should land in a lunge with the left foot forward. This is one repetition.

Complete 10 repetitions each

Vertical Jumps


Athletes will stand with feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend in the knees. On command, the athletes will jump as high as possible and land with a soft landing.

Complete 10 jumps

On command, athletes will bound to reference point and back to starting point. Maintain tight core, knee up/toes up, body control with proper arm mechanics.

Complete 2 repetitions

Carioca with Hip Drive

Back Jog

On command, athletes will carioca to reference point, and, facing in the same direction, carioca back to the starting point. This is similar to the carioca, except athletes perform a lateral high knee, driving the forward leg up and over. Regular carioca can be used until proper technique is demonstrated.

Complete 1 repetition

On command, athletes will run backwards to reference point and run backwards to the starting point. Emphasis is placed on reaching back with lead foot and completing a proper run gait.

Complete 1 repetition

Experts in Sports Injury Recovery

We are committed to providing effective, efficient, and compassionate care to help you return to pain-free sport. Our passion is to help every patient reach their goals on their journey to recovery and optimal performance.

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