Sponsors and Participants in Global PT Day of Service

Therapeutic Associates

In celebration of National PT Month in October, Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy has once again partnered with Global PT Day of Service. We are proud and honored to join in this movement for positive change for our sixth consecutive year as a platinum-level sponsor.

What began as a simple idea to bring together clinicians, students and associated staff of the physical therapy profession to volunteer in communities around the world has grown into a global movement. Since its inception in 2015, Physical Therapy Day of Service (PTDOS) has expanded exponentially and has brought together more than 21,000 volunteers in all 50 states across the U.S. and in as many as 85 countries around the world, all coordinated and managed by a staff of more than 30 volunteers. Read the full PTDOS story here.

Making an impact

Through our participation over the past five years, Therapeutic Associates has engaged our own clinicians, students, staff, and patients in volunteer work that has had a positive impact on more than 5,000 lives. Together we have helped prepare more than 2,500 meals, logged more than 1,000 hours of volunteer time and raised well over $5,000 to support a range of nonprofit organizations serving those in need. Service to our local, regional and global communities is embedded in our DNA.

Each year the PTDOS volunteer staff decides on a theme that creates a sense of connection among all those who come together to serve. The 2021 theme is “Movement” and we are excited to announce that we have 10+ service projects planned throughout the regions we serve — California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho — organized and led by Therapeutic Associates PTDOS Ambassadors. Our projects range from beach and cemetery clean-ups to meal service, food drives and food repackaging for local food banks to fundraising efforts including 5Ks and other walk-a-thons and more. In an effort to keep the global efforts of PTDOS centralized, each service project is slated to be complete during a two-week window from October 2 – 16.

While many of our efforts shifted last year with the challenges associated with volunteering during a world pandemic, and while things continue to look different this year than they did previously, at Therapeutic Associates PT we remain committed to dedicating ourselves to serving our communities in ways that are transcending and transformative. The movement behind PTDOS continues to grow each year with more countries joining the efforts and more staff from around the world pledging to participate. We are thrilled to continue to be a part of the positive global change.

Interested in getting involved?

Reach out to your local Therapeutic Associates clinic to learn more about opportunities we are leading in your area. Additionally, visit the PTDOS website to look for other service projects happening around the country and the world and to see how you can join in the effort or even become an ambassador yourself.

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