Kettle Bell Exercises

kettlebell work in a PT clinic for sports training

Therapeutic Associates

A kettle bell is nothing more than a heavy metal ball with a handle, however don’t confuse the simplicity of this tool for being simple to use. Kettle bells have been around since the early 1900’s and have recently made a resurgence into lifting and power development. Accurate and appropriate use of the kettle bell can help develop core strength, balance and explosive power. These videos are only a small representation of the many kettle bell exercises that have been developed over the past 100 years.

V Press Variations


Squat Variations

Russian Twist Variations

Runner Touch to Press

Runner Touch to Press with Forearm Variations

Overhead Press Variations

Mace Twists

Kettle Bell Clean Variations

Kettle Bell Swing Variations

Kettle Bell Plank Variations

Kettle Bell Lunge Sunrise Half

Turkish Getups

Flip Clean to Press

Bent Over Rows to Press

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