Dynamic Warm Ups for Tennis

Dynamic-Warmup Tennis

Therapeutic Associates

With the below exercises, anytime an athlete is on one leg, emphasize a straight support leg, rise up on toes, good body control/balance, with strong gluteus and calf contractions. All jumps are to be performed with focus on soft landing on balls of feet, slight bend in knees, tight core, proper arm mechanics, eyes up, with good body control. Ensure the knees land in line with the foot and hips, avoiding a valgus angle (knee falling inward).

Lower Extremity

Lunge Walk

Carioca Run

Instruction: : Beginning in normal stance, step forward into a lunge position, opposite arm should go forward, front thigh is parallel to the ground, with knee behind your toes, and back shin is parallel to the ground with the knee just above the ground. Distance: Walk 20 yards
Instruction: : Beginning in a sideways stance, begin to run sideways alternating left leg in front and left leg in back. Distance: Run 20 yards with left leg leading; Run 20 yards with right leg leading.

Straight March

Quad Pull Walk

Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, grab one leg just below the knee with both hands and pull up. Emphasize heel-to-toe motion with each stride. Alternate legs with each stride. Distance: Walk 20 yards
Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, reach behind you and grab your ankle with your opposite arm Distance: Walk 20 yards


Inside/Outside Taps

Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, begin skipping up onto your toes with arms at 90 degrees and thighs parallel to the ground. Distance: Skip 20 yards slowly; 20 yards fast; 20 yards with high vertical strides; 20 yards with long-distance strides.
Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, tap the inside of one foot. Step forward with that foot, and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Continue for the recommended distance. Once completed, return tapping the outside of each leg. Distance: Jog 20 yards

Upper Extremity

Shoulder Twists

Side Reach

Instruction: Beginning in normal stance with arms crossed and hands on shoulders, rotate shoulders back and forth while keeping hips/pelvis still. Duration: Repeat 15 times in each direction.
Instruction: Beginning in normal stance with arms at sides, gently side bend to one side. As you begin to bend, raise your opposite arm up and reach over your head. Duration: Repeat 15 times on each side.

Pull Position

Arm Crossovers

Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, clasp hands together like demonstrated. Keeping arms still, gently pull arms away from one another (Isometric pull). Duration: Repeat 15 times performing the following: left to right, circles left, circles right, circles forward, circles backward, rotation forward and backward.
Instruction: Beginning in normal stance, grab your right arm and pull it across your body as you twist to the left. Repeat on the opposite side. Duration: Repeat 20 times with each arm.

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We are committed to providing effective, efficient, and compassionate care to help you return to pain-free sport. Our passion is to help every patient reach their goals on their journey to recovery and optimal performance.

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