Preventing Pickleball Injuries


Do you enjoy playing pickleball? Or are you interested in pick(le)ing up the sport? Whether you are a seasoned pickleball player or a complete novice at the game, it is important to be aware of the common injuries that are sustained in pickleball, as well as key ways to help prevent them. Below is a list of injuries that one might (but, hopefully not) experience while playing pickleball.

Common Pickleball Injuries

Preventing Pickleball Injuries

Physical Therapy Can Help!

If you are currently experiencing pain or loss of function due to an acute or nagging pickleball injury, consider making an appointment to see a physical therapist today. Physical therapists can help you identify the root cause of your symptoms, manage the pain, promote the healing process, and facilitate improved movement and mobility of your joints and surrounding tissues. Physical therapists are trained to help you get back to playing the game you love and can assist you in preventing further injury. In the state of Oregon you can refer yourself directly to a physical therapist without a physician’s referral.

  • USAPA Pickleball. Access May 2nd, 2018 at
  • American Heart Association. Accessed May 3, 2018

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