Tara Porchia - Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy

Tara Porchia

Exercise Specialist


Tara is from southern Oregon and was never an athlete. Throughout high school and college, their physical activity was limited to powerwalking and the occasional bike ride. Tara graduated from the University of Oregon in 2014 with a degree in Philosophy, and moved to Portland to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector. They eventually left the nonprofit sector to pursue organizing. In 2018 they resumed powerwalking and bike riding, and that kickstarted their fitness journey. They started lifting weights, and discovered that the gym is their happy place. They started working out with friends, and discovered the joy of helping others feel empowered in their own bodies.

Tara became a personal trainer in 2020, and they train primarily older adults and adults new to the gym. The next step in their journey is physical therapy assisting school. In their spare time Tara enjoys hanging out with friends, going on hikes, riding their bike by the river, and playing with their 2 cats.

Tara is also a NASM certified personal trainer, for training inquiries please contact the clinic directly.

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