5 Effective Exercises for Your Ankles

graphic shows x-ray vision of an ankle in motion

Ankle flexibility, strength, and balance are essential for proper movement, injury prevention, and overall body balance and coordination. Incorporating these five exercises into your workout routine can help reduce the risk of injury and improve athletic performance.

Why Every Golfer Should Work With a PT

Golf Fitness & Performance Program

Golf-specific fitness is not just for tour players anymore. Any golfer can tune their body to improve performance by following a golf fitness training program created by a physical therapist.

4 Common Causes of Walking Injuries and How to Avoid Them

man and woman walk together outside in a park as a form of exercise

Walking is an optimal choice for people who are new to exercising or resuming a more active lifestyle after a particularly sedentary period. However, despite the relative safety of walking for exercise, injuries can still occur.

4 Moves to Strong Knees for a Stellar Ski Season

three skiers stand in joyful pose at the top of a mountain

One of the most important components of having a successful ski season is spending some time doing some pre-season ski conditioning. However, if you did not have the chance to do this, there is still something you can do.

Lacrosse – How to Optimize Performance & Prevent Injuries

close up of lacrosse player's stick

Lacrosse combines the speed and physicality of football with the finesse of hockey and the passing skills of basketball. Each position is required to be explosive and run fast, so incorporating plyometrics and flexibility into players’ fitness routine is imperative.

Should I Exercise with an Injury?


Whether you are new to the exercise and fitness world, or a seasoned workout guru, there can be a gray area when it comes to recovering from an injury. Generally, unless you are dealing with a fracture or catastrophic injury, movement can be an integral part of the healing process.

Understanding Running Injury Flare-Ups

multiracial young athletes training run at school track

An injury flare-up is an exacerbation or a return of a condition you previously experienced. Though frustrating and disappointing, flare-ups are very common while returning to running.

The Four Pillars of Cold-Weather Workouts

young athletic woman does dynamic warmup outdoors in cold weather with snow in winter

Preparation and knowledge are keys to safely exercising in any extreme environment, and during this time of year, it is important to keep in mind the four pillars of cold-weather exercise: clothing, balance, hydration and common sense.

Clinic Spotlight — Shoreline

Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy - Shoreline

No matter what brings a patient to physical therapy, the expert team at Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy – Shoreline strives to ensure they provide the care and education needed for optimal recovery as well as the knowledge and skills to avoid re-injury. Clinic director Devin Langaker takes pride in providing personalized treatment for every patient.

Why Does My Kneecap Hurt?

woman holds her knee in pain while sitting outdoors on a cool day after a workout

Pain in and around the kneecap affects people of all ages and activity levels. Clinically referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), this condition stems from poorly coordinated movement irritating the cartilage under the kneecap, which causes pain and discomfort.

Top Tricks for Trail Running

man runs on trail through forest in the autumn

As the heat of summer fades into memory, trails throughout the Pacific Northwest call out to runners of all ages and abilities. In addition to the positive mood-boosting effects of running on the trails, trading roads for trails can also boost your physical fitness and strength no matter what level of runner you are.

Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes

youth athlete football

It’s that time of year again when youth athletes are either pushing themselves through the end of one sport season or ramping up for the next. While many kids handle this transition well, it is estimated that up to 40 percent of youth athletes suffer from pain or reduced performance due to overuse injuries.

Rock Climbing – Top Tips to Prevent Overuse Injuries

climber at Smith Rock State Park

Climbing is one of the fastest growing sports in the country. Whether you are a beginning or an expert climber, having a training plan in place will not only help you reach peak performance, but will also help you avoid overuse injuries that keep you on the ground when all you want is to climb higher.

Youth Sports — 6 Simple Signs of Injury

Dynamic-Warmup Tennis

Knowing some of the obvious signs that a young athlete isn’t just sore but is actually injured, parents and coaches can play an active role in ensuring injuries are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, preventing further damage from occurring.

5 Fitness Myths … Busted

people exercising with barbells

October is National Physical Therapy Month, and as the medical community’s preeminent experts in movement, fitness, and musculoskeletal function and injury, our physical therapists view this month as an opportune time to correct what we see as a few common misconceptions about exercise.

Knee Pain in Kids – When to Seek Treatment

Man and daughter stretching outdoors

Knees hurt sometimes. Even in young people. Common knee injuries fall into two categories: gradual-onset injuries, and sudden-onset injuries. Learn about the most common situations and what can be done about them.

Junior Golf — Tips to Keep Kids Swinging

junior golfers lined up to practice

Golf has been growing in popularity, including among junior players. The benefits of the sport for kids include physical, social, mental and emotional growth, but it’s important to keep it fun while also keeping them safe by avoiding early sport specialization.

Youth Soccer: 4 Steps to Ensure a Great Season

youth soccer image

As a physical therapist, I see many avoidable injuries happen every year to athletes getting back into soccer without proper preparation. Here are 4 crucial steps to help you better prepare for and navigate the soccer season.

Youth Volleyball: Injuries – Prevention and Treatment

youth athletics - volleyball serve

Volleyball is an exciting, high-speed team sport that demands a lot of energy and athleticism of its players. As middle school and high school athletes learn the fundamentals of the sport and develop their skills, it’s also important to know what the most common injuries are, how to avoid them, and what to do if they occur.

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