Cheerleading – Exercises to Stretch & Strengthen and Avoid Injury

cheer team

Cheerleading blends many aspects of traditional sports including strength, power, balance, control and flexibility. Like other youth sports, cheer requires overall conditioning as well as sport-specific skills. Incorporating a workout program is the ideal way to optimize performance and avoid injury.

Common Injuries for Hikers: Advanced and Weekend Warriors

young woman rests on a rock during a hike

What are the most common hiking injuries? Whether you’re an advanced adventurer or a weekend warrior just beginning to explore the nearby hiking trails, knowing what to watch for and what to do in the case of an injury can be the difference between a season cut short, and a season full of miles.

Top Exercises for Avoiding Paddling Injuries

woman stand up paddleboarding

Whether you are new to paddle sports like stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking or canoeing or you have been gliding across the open water for years, it is ideal to start your exercise training 6-8 weeks prior to your first venture out.

10 Laws of Preventing Running Injuries


It is important to be sure your body is prepared to handle the running you challenge yourself with, whether it’s high mileage, fast pace, hills or trails riddled with obstacles.

Injury Prevention for New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

a group exercise class for core strength

There are several keys to success you want to keep in mind when jumping into a new exercise routine that will help maximize your chances of sticking with it for the long run while feeling strong and healthy and staying injury free.

6 Creative Ways to Move More at Work

standing up to do some movement while at work

Prioritizing your health while at work doesn’t have to be difficult. Add simple movements throughout the day to increase your weekly physical activity and boost your health and fitness while making it easier to reach your goals. A physical therapist can help you overcome obstacles and get started today.

Decorating Safely this Holiday Season


Sometimes injuries happen even when proper precautions are taken. If you make a wrong move and end up suffering a strain or sprain, the physical therapists at Therapeutic Associates can help.

5 Tips to Avoid & Alleviate Aches and Pains While Traveling


Long road trips and airplane flights mean a lot of sitting, which can lead to a lot of pain and discomfort. But travel doesn’t have to mean sore muscles and joints, just incorporate these top 5 five traveling tips and arrive refreshed and pain-free.

Injury Prevention


Most injuries come from a combination of our genetic blue print and the physical environment we live, work, and play in. Even the seemingly straight-forward ankle sprain may be more complicated than we think. There may be a predetermined force that determines “how” injured we become. Anyone who has experienced a low back spasm while […]

Dynamic Warm Ups for Athletes

Dynamic Warmup

A dynamic warm-up routine should be performed prior to activity to prepare the body for the demands of a workout. Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for dynamic workouts.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Runner’s Friend or Foe?


The Race to Robie Creek is a Rite of Spring for runners in Boise, Idaho. The route climbs about 2000 feet in 8.5 miles and drops 1700 feet in 5 miles prompting the nickname, “the Northwest’s toughest half marathon.” The last time I ran it, about 24 hours after crossing the finish line, my quadriceps […]

Keeping Your Shoulders Safe Through the Golf Season

a young golfer mid backswing on the golf course

Shoulder injuries in golf rank 3rd among professional golfers and 4th among amateur golfers as the most common injured region of the body accounting for up to 21% of all golfing injuries. As more baby-boomers take up the game in their leisure time, more shoulder injuries are bound to occur. It is a simple fact […]

Preventing Pickleball Injuries


Do you enjoy playing pickleball? Or are you interested in pick(le)ing up the sport? Whether you are a seasoned pickleball player or a complete novice at the game, it is important to be aware of the common injuries that are sustained in pickleball, as well as key ways to help prevent them. Below is a […]

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