Outcome vs. Process: Choose Your Goals Carefully

Goals fall within two basic categories — outcome goals and process goals. One rarely works without the other — what you want (your outcome goal) depends on you focusing on all the things you will need to do to achieve it (your process goals) and success does not lie solely in reaching your outcome goal.
5 Tips for Sticking to Your Exercise Goals

Whether you have never exercised before, have not exercised in years or months, or have just been on a hiatus lately, following these five simple tips will help you get to it safely and stick to it for the long run.
Top 3 Tips & Exercises for Reducing Your Risk of Falling During Winter

As the outdoor conditions change with the season, various factors come into play that can affect our balance and our ability to prevent a fall. Reduce your risk with these tips and exercises.
Physical Therapy and Weight Loss

Excess body weight, typically associated with a high BMI (body mass index) or too much fat, can significantly impact a person’s activity level and lifestyle, and consequently their health. As experts in movement, mobility and musculoskeletal health, physical therapists are uniquely qualified to help patients safely reach their weight loss and health & fitness goals.
PT FIT – Virtual Fitness Program

PT FIT is a virtual fitness program where our physical therapists will create a workout routine specific to your exact goals and needs. Our team is here to help you formulate an exercise plan that won’t cause increased aches and pains, help you get stronger in your specific areas of weakness, and allow you to meet your FITness goals.
5 Exercises for Improving Balance & Preventing Falls

Through a balance assessment, a physical therapist can determine your level of functional balance while pinpointing areas of concern that can be addressed through an individualized fall-prevention regimen.
Aerobic Exercise

Disclaimer: This is a general guideline for exercising. Consult your medical doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Take a moment to consider just some of the benefits of aerobic exercise: weight control, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes, strengthened bones and muscles, improved mood and mental health, and pain reducing mechanisms.1-3 One or […]