Dynamic Warm Ups for Baseball

Dynamic Warmup Baseball

Dynamic stretching is becoming more commonplace in professional and collegiate athletics, and a trickle down has been seen in high school and youth athletics as well. It is based on repetitive completion of whole body movement patterns in order to increase blood flow to the muscles.

Dynamic Warm Ups for Athletes

Dynamic Warmup

A dynamic warm-up routine should be performed prior to activity to prepare the body for the demands of a workout. Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for dynamic workouts.

Dynamic Warm-Up for Runners


Dynamic warm ups increase core temperature, muscle temperature, elongates muscles, stimulates the nervous system and helps reduce risk for injury. This type of stretching is best utilized before activity while static stretching should be used to cooldown after activity.

Copenhagen Adductor Exercise


At the elite level, approximately one in five male soccer players suffer from a groin injury during each season and up to 40 percent experience an absence from the sport for more than 28 days (Harøy, 2019; Ishøi, 2016). Decreased hip adduction strength and a greater-than 20 percent deficit in eccentric strength of the hip adductors […]

Cycling: Stretches to Avoid a Stiff Neck

Road Cycling

Neck pain is one of the most common complaints from cyclists – and it’s no wonder! We cyclists spend a lot of waking hours in the same position with our backs bent in a forward position, placing great demands on the neck.

The Benefits of Performance Testing to Athletes

wall ball sports training

Athletic performance testing When an athlete participates in an aerobic profile, lactate threshold or VO2 max test, it allows the coach to peel back the layers of an athlete and get a specific idea of the physiological strengths and weakness of that athlete at that point in time. Understanding the athletes aerobic capacity, aerobic threshold, […]

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Runner’s Friend or Foe?


The Race to Robie Creek is a Rite of Spring for runners in Boise, Idaho. The route climbs about 2000 feet in 8.5 miles and drops 1700 feet in 5 miles prompting the nickname, “the Northwest’s toughest half marathon.” The last time I ran it, about 24 hours after crossing the finish line, my quadriceps […]

Keeping Your Shoulders Safe Through the Golf Season

a young golfer mid backswing on the golf course

Shoulder injuries in golf rank 3rd among professional golfers and 4th among amateur golfers as the most common injured region of the body accounting for up to 21% of all golfing injuries. As more baby-boomers take up the game in their leisure time, more shoulder injuries are bound to occur. It is a simple fact […]

Returning to Running After a Low Back Injury


If you are a runner, chances are you have experienced back pain at some point. Your pain may not have resulted from running, but research shows that 70% of the general population has at least one episode of back pain in their lifetime. The repetitive nature of running – amplifying and exacerbating any mechanical dysfunction […]

Fundamental Five – Postural Exercises for the Runner

A physical therapist instructs a patient in sports therapy exercise

A runner’s ability to maintain a relaxed posture and fluid running form goes beyond mileage, intensity, and strength. Devoting time to develop the complex interactions of conscious postural awareness, stability, and mobility can become a catalyst for improving running economy and speed, and decreasing injury risk.

Preventing Pickleball Injuries


Do you enjoy playing pickleball? Or are you interested in pick(le)ing up the sport? Whether you are a seasoned pickleball player or a complete novice at the game, it is important to be aware of the common injuries that are sustained in pickleball, as well as key ways to help prevent them. Below is a […]

Golfers Experiencing Tennis Elbow

golf swing with driver

“Tennis elbow” is more common among golfers than “golfer’s elbow”. Why is that? It has a lot to do with the lower body but we’ll get to that later. First let’s find out what it is, how to figure out if you have it, why it can occur and then what to do about it.

Runners’ Morning Heel Pain: Understand It and Heal It

silhouette of a runner with a pink sky behind

A common complaint of runners is heel pain. Many medical diagnoses can be grouped under the symptom of heel pain. These diagnoses include Achilles tendonitis, Achilles tendonosis, plantar fasciitis, and flexor tendonitis. As a physical therapist that specializes in treating running injuries, a frequent question I ask my patients is, “ How intense is your […]

Ladder Drills

wall ball sports training

These drills are an effective tool for increasing rhythm, agility, speed, balance, and body control throughout many athletic movements. They are beneficial and applicable for most sports, and completion of these drills 1-2 times/week will lead to improvement in the aforementioned areas. These videos are only a small representation of the vast number of drills […]

Kettle Bell Exercises

kettlebell work in a PT clinic for sports training

A kettle bell is nothing more than a heavy metal ball with a handle, however don’t confuse the simplicity of this tool for being simple to use. Kettle bells have been around since the early 1900’s and have recently made a resurgence into lifting and power development. Accurate and appropriate use of the kettle bell […]

Fundamental 5 – Dynamic Stability

sports training

The fundamental five is a running specific series of exercises aimed at improving your postural stability. Start with 5 repetitions (and build to 15). Focus on smooth, fluid motions between all the positions. These movements are an excellent foundation for runners of any level and can help prepare you to keep great posture while running […]

Fitness & Performance for Golfers

Golf Fitness & Performance Program

Physical Therapist Chris Cooper is featured in a series of videos and podcasts with advice to golfers how to stay fit. Videos include a dynamic warm-up, flexibility routine, strength routine, and more.

Golf Fitness & Performance Program: K-Vest and K-Trainer

Golf Fitness & Performance Program

About K-Vest and K-Trainer Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy at the Athletic Club of Bend is excited to announce that we now have a wireless 3D movement analysis system which we can use for a variety of instances in and out of the clinic. Chris Cooper PT, DPT, CSCS was recently certified in using the system […]

Return to Sport 6 Week Conditioning Program

a group of young men training for return to sport

Welcome to the Therapeutic Associates Northside Physical Therapy 6-Week Return to Sport Conditioning Program. This program is designed to improve performance, increase strength/power/endurance, and allow for safe return to sports or athletics. We will provide a new video each week that will have video demonstrations of each exercise and recommended sets, reps, and duration of each […]

Runner’s Stability Routine


Key exercises that keep some of the world’s best runners healthy. Published in Running Times (Feb/Mar 2013) As the head strength and conditioning coach, physical therapist David McHenry is tasked with keeping 2012 Olympians Mo Farah, Galen Rupp, Dathan Ritzenhein and Matthew Centrowitz healthy. Every week, McHenry puts each of them through three individual sessions […]

Improve Your Golf Performance

a young golfer mid backswing on the golf course

Work with a Physical Therapist today Golfing has very specific physical requirements that have led many coaches, and clinicians to suggest that physical preparation programs should be undertaken by golfers of all ages and abilities in order to improve performance and prevent golf related injury. Common Golf Injuries We Treat: Low Back Pain Elbow Tendonitis […]

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